Unlimited Kick 'But' Coaching
Duration: 6 months
Access: Unlimited
Resources: Included
Course overview
Get rid of the 'buts' that get in the way of your business success with unlimited coaching and resources for 6 full months!
You're an experienced professional. You work hard every day and are responsible for generating revenue for the business. You're either a self-employed consultant or work as a lawyer, accountant, real estate agent or other advice-giving expert.
Some Of The 'Buts' That Are Getting In Your Way:
Sure, you're getting stuff done. And meeting some targets. You just aren't as productive as you want to be (or think you could be.)
Money comes in ... inconsistently.
You know what to do, you're just not doing it. And you're frustrated, wondering what is going wrong.
Or what 'the gurus' know that you don't.
Yes, there may be a few tips and tricks you need to learn, but let's be honest here - it isn't really other people or things or a lack of knowledge that gets in your way, is it!?!?
But I don't have the money | But I don't know how | But it won't work for my business | But I don't want to look foolish | But I have too much to do | But I don't have the time |
In reality, what stops you from taking persistent action and making consistent cash are the 'buts' in your head!
Especially the big one!
On the surface, all those buts might seem like perfectly legitimate reasons for why your business or cashflow aren't as successful as you'd like them to be.
Those aren't reasons!
Nope, they are excuses, made up by a mind that is repeating the same old same old and not being challenged to think differently.
Achieving business success is about taking relevant and persistent actions over time. And you already know that.
You also know your 'buts' are getting your way of doing that!
So Let's Get Rid Of Them!
Here's How It Works
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What Clients Say
I love the fact you so easily bring structure to my chaotic thinking and help me have direction in my future.
Eleni kiomourtzi
Sme owner
Sme owner
The insights are technical and tangible enough to use that same day. They are real things I can use right away.
jermy matson
My outlook was overhauled in a way I could not have imagined. It's now six months later and I can honestly say my life has been transformed.
Phil james
You helped me question my long-held assumptions with a lightness of touch and humor that made the process fun.
ruth garcia
And she kicked ass with so much humor and compassion, 24 hours later I still feel uplifted and in the groove!
arvind devalia
It's as if I put in an order for what I needed and you filled it. Thank you for creating such impact.
arrik weathers
real estate agent
real estate agent
Frequently Asked Questions
Nancy Morris
Certified Business Psychologist
SFS Creator
SFS Creator
ABOUT nancy
As someone who has spent the past 20+ years as a solopreneur, it became Nancy's mission to help other solopreneurs scale their business so they can get that six figure freedom, time and money. She shares years of experience and education in every facet of the programs she creates or curates, and is passionate about ensuring the success of all her clients and students.