The MeQ™ and You

Here is your MeQ™ Test results report. It covers all three sections of MeQ™ Self-awareness, sharing what your results can mean and some ideas about how to apply this information in your life.

The top section of this report provides context for your results. It then goes into more detail on each of the Who Am I, Why Do I and How Do I sections.
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Your MeQ™ Test Results

Below is information on what the MeQ™ test results mean. It is really important for you to remember, though, that while you will probably have both a 'high' score and a 'low' score, it does not mean the low score is an area that is 'weak' (which is what most people usually think with any kind of scoring system). Instead, it means that this is a part of your current self-awareness which, if developed further, will help you to see opportunities in your life that may not be obvious to you right now. The other two areas will also show you similar room for development, regardless of what the scores are.
This is not a “97 page report” filled with information you are unlikely to use. It is a concise summary of the key elements of self-awareness that can easily and quickly be understood and applied in your everyday life. While reviewing this report, please think back to your original MeQ™ questions and answers and pay attention to anything that jumps off the page at you.
You will also receive a link to this page via email shortly so that you can easily return to it again.

What is the MeQ™ test and program?

There are many different scales and self tests on the market. One of the limitations of those types of surveys is that most categorize your responses to create a label, such as ABCD or Red or Extrovert. Inadvertently, this can create a degree of self-fulfilling prophecy whereby you behave, consciously or not, to achieve that label.

All insight is valuable, but some insights can actually take you away from your authentic nature. In fact, without self-awareness, people tend to blindly outsource their thinking and follow the status quo or so-called gurus. But by increasing self-awareness, you are more able to critically discern what really fits for you from all the other surveys, tests and quizzes. You could build your own definition and strategy for authentic success in your work, rest and play.

This is where the MeQ™ test comes into its own. The results of the test simply point in directions for personal and professional growth. The MeQ™ answers the questions people ask of themselves frequently, which are:

Who Am I?

Why Do I?

How Do I?

Self-awareness, like the scientific study of psychology itself, is fluid and changing throughout a person's lifespan. Therefore, labelling someone as an “X” does them a disservice by putting them in a box and potentially limiting their thinking. Rather than giving you a label, the primary purpose of the MeQ™ test, program and tools is to increase your self-awareness so you can answer those questions for yourself.

Drawing on but distinct from IQ (intelligence quotient) and EQ (emotional intelligence), the MeQ™ program takes a bigger look at self-awareness by including not only intellect and emotion, but also how we understand and use our metacognition.

Metacognition is a specific kind of thinking that monitors and controls our knowledge. It is also referred to as "thinking about your own thinking”, and is essential to being able to understand, manage and grow self-awareness because it is the part of your brain that regulates learning. If you are ineffective in learning about yourself, your self-awareness is very limited. Unfortunately, metacognition is often left out of many other tests and programs, despite the fact we all use it every day. Further, the MeQ™ program focuses directly on day-to-day aspects of expressing yourself in work, close relationships and in your larger social connections.

By sharing your MeQ™ test results and this report with your friends (and they with you), you will be able to support and encourage each other to learn more and pursue goals in your professional, personal, and social lives. for yourself is the primary purpose of the MeQ™ test and the step-by-step MeQ™ program and tools.

What is "self-awareness"?

Your uniqueness of being
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Simply put, self-awareness is the awareness of self as a unique being in the world with your own set of thoughts, experiences, emotions, skills and abilities. It is definitely learnable, and as mentioned already, it grows and changes throughout life.

As a psychological concept, “self-awareness” has been studied for decades. From a philosophical point of view, the idea of “know thyself” dates back to ancient Greece and is often paired with Socrates’ “an unexamined life is not worth living”. Broadly, self-awareness draws together three “selves” – cognitive (thinking), affective (emotional) and executive (behavioral).

Our extent of self-awareness is often reflected in the questions we ask ourselves. While there are many questions, the most frequently sought-after answers come from “who am I” and “why do I” and “how do I” questions, especially in our daily professional life (work), personal / intimate relationships (rest) and social connections (play).

By focusing on these three questions and the key areas within the answers, you will build your self-awareness at the same time as expanding your skills in those areas, and vice versa. In other words, your work performance and productivity will increase, your personal relationships will improve and your social connections will be more joyful as your self-awareness grows. In turn, your self-awareness will expand as you focus on work, rest and play.
"Who Am I?" is broken down in the MeQ™ into both how you ground yourself and also your sense of integrity. To be grounded is to lead a life that is generally balanced, sensible and realistic. Integrity is demonstrated in our moral attitudes and behaviours. Your personal foundation is rooted (pardon the pun) in groundedness and integrity.
“Why do I” is usually a question you have when disconnected from your groundedness and integrity. You seek to understand so you can explain your attitudes and actions either to yourself, another person(s) or both. It is often your inner fears and judgments that create the disconnection in the first place, so increasing self-awareness in those two areas is the basis of understanding most “why” questions.
“How do I” encapsulates your sense of knowledge. It's more concrete than “who” or “why”. Not only does the question show you perceived (or actual) knowledge gaps, it's also a more “future” oriented question. Whether that future is the next 10 minutes, the next 6 months or next 25 years, you are looking for answers that can take you where you want to go. By finding the answers to those questions, and doing so from a place of high self-awareness, you are actually creating your ideal self.
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